"Zevy's latest story collection, Radio Daze, guides us into the bizarre and esoteric world of vintage radio collecting. At turns hilarious, crude and surprisingly warm, these stories veer off into all sorts of unusual directions, from unearthing odd morsels of twentieth century history, to navigating the endlessly entertaining mishaps of friendship and family dynamics. As in all of Zevy's stories, the voice is what counts. Zevy writes with an inimitable style, deceivingly breezy, at once streetwise and neurotic, brimming with hubris and reeling with self-effacing humour. You can gobble these stories up, but they stay with you; after you finish the collection, you'll find yourself longing for its company, like an old friend. That's the beauty of these stories. Lingering behind all the caustic humour and the unrelenting drive to collect -- to attain the unattainable -- there is an undeniable tenderness. Whether he intends to be or not, Zevy is a poet of friendship, of the small pleasures of human connection that make life worth living. Radio Daze takes the reader into the world of vintage radios, but more importantly, the writing is vintage Zevy."
Jules Lewis