Retro Radio Rainbow teaches picture book readers the seven colors of the rainbow, but adopts an usual approach to the effort that taps author Aaron Zevy's personal radio collection and interest in radios.
What do radios have to do with color? Plenty.
Photos of old-time radios from the 1930s and 40s accompany the identification of 'red', 'orange', and other colors to add history into the mix. This especially inviting pairing features large, colorful photos of orange, red, yellow, and other colors of radios that additionally contrasts their size and disparate shapes and appearances.
The education thus arrives twofold: it's a survey of radio history and a lesson in different hues of each color, all in one.
Parents and educators who tire of the usual approach to identifying colors will find the creative effort attractive and unique, here. The retro radio display might even interest and educate them about the very different appearances radios can sport.
Libraries and teachers seeking a colorful tutorial that operates on not just one, but many levels will welcome the unique approach of Retro Radio Rainbow, which could only have come from a collector devoted to radio history as well as children's educational opportunities.