Stories From the Blue Folder
Stories From the Blue Folder doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as The Band’s Music from Big Pink, but it’s all I have.
The Blue Folder is where I kept my short stories. I brought them from apartment to apartment, from house to house. When my nieces came over, they would pass around the Blue Folder and read the stories. Every once in a while, there would be a new piece.
When my first collection came out, it did not include any of the stories from the Blue Folder. My nieces were disappointed their favorites were not included. They genuinely, or so they say, enjoy my memoirs and funny family vignettes, but have a greater affinity for stories which were not drawn from things in my life, but rather, were pure fiction.
Like, you know, real writing.
This section is for them.
It includes The Card Game. It is one of the first stories I ever wrote and it was my late father’s favorite. It is the version he would have read nearly 40 years ago so. I still have a vision of him getting to the end, smiling, and saying, “Aha.” I hope you will too.
So Sammy, Danna, Shoshanah, Rachel, and Rena, here you are.
Stories From the Blue Folder.
For the rest of you, who knows, you might even enjoy this little break from stories about me.
Maybe more than I care to admit.